I have an old box, picked up, as per usual from a carboot/flea market. It really was shouting out to be used to present a large knife i was making.
It had an awful finish on it, which needed removing. For that i used a sanding belt and some hand sanding.
A bit of a cleanup of the brass. Not too much though, got to keep some of that patina.
I really wanted to keep it looking fairly old and rustic, but with a better finish.
As soon as the cleanup was done, straight to the kitchen table for putting a block in to keep the knife centred in the box.
This took a while to dry, so took a little break for lunch.
Through the process i found parts where woodworm and some other problems had occurred over the years. I just made sure it was strong enough and kept all of it. no filling.
I cut a liner for the bottom and sides after going through and measuring the box. The liner was stuck in with contact adhesive, and trimmed with a scalpel.
While the contact adhesive was going off i had a chance to start giving the box some finish. I used an antique pine briwax to give the finish a little colour and protection.
Eventually i cut the lining down around the edge of the box and fitted the lid.
Take a look at the video on youtube. (LINK)
The kit i used to do the cleanup and finish.
Any suggestions or advice, shoot me an email or drop a comment.
About Me.
I’m Gareth, a 39 year old IT contractor, Photographer, Optimist, Blogger and Maker/Restorer of things.
Trying to make my life as full as possible with learning experiences, and helping others along the way.
I love cooking, making, restoring/upcycling boxes, doing fun stuff with my family, photography, giving myself skills and learning something new everyday.