A Year In Review
Another year over. I haven’t really blogged this year, more concentrated on videos.
Little by little i will put them up here with a little more detail as i go.
I have upcycled a huge amount of lost treasures this year, and they have been winging their way around the WORLD!!!

The main things i’ve been working on though is myself really. Trying to get a bit better in front of the camera, learning new editing software (moved from Premiere Pro to Da Vinci Resolve), and generally getting my head into a few different ways of resolving issues with rebuilds. Learning a little more about electrics has been interesting, and also some new woodworking techniques. Learning some new painting techniques and really getting a bit of a flow with it.

Now the workshop is built and in full flow, i’ve been properly enjoying rebuilding, painting and making new things from old.

Next year, i’ll be making more videos and showing that anyone can learn and create things with a little imagination.
I hope you all have a great and prosperous new year, learning new skills and improving old ones.
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